‘Site News’ Archives
Tightening Our Focus
First of all I would like to thank everyone that wants to help out with Historic Ohio already! I was kind of surprised at the amount of interest but if that’s any sign of things to come then we’re in for a great ride! Don’t despair though, we still have [Read More]
We’re hiring… sort of.
Do you enjoy history, architecture, and photography? Do you also enjoy not getting paid for your work? Then Historic Ohio is for you! We’re looking for creative people to help run our site, come up with story ideas, and pen the articles. Historic Ohio is not a job, [Read More]
Hello world!
Welcome! I’m not entirely sure how you found us. At the time of penning this I haven’t really gotten the site up and running just yet. I’m not entirely sure what the site will be about or what it’s final name will end up being. As of this moment [Read More]