Stories Behind The Buckeye State
Monday February 17th 2025

‘Site News’ Archives

Back From the Dead!

Back From the Dead!

Alright, it’s been a long time. A really really really long time. Over four years to be exact. We got busy and we didn’t have a lot of time to write, our database was broken, and eventually we forget to renew the domain and lost it to snipers. A very sad affair [Read More]

Looking for Authors and Researchers

Looking for Authors and Researchers

We are once again looking for people to help us at Historical Ohio! Do you enjoy history, architecture, and photography? Do you also enjoy not getting paid for your work? Then Historic Ohio is for you! We’re looking for creative people to help run our site, come up with [Read More]

History In Your Own Backyard

History In Your Own Backyard

I’ve become quite the amateur architecture and history buff as of late thanks to great websites like Buildings of Detroit and Scouting NY. I had never really paid much attention to the buildings and places around me in Columbus until recently. I started a little side [Read More] Is Official! Is Official!

Some good news and some bad news to share with you. The bad news is we had no takers in our naming contest, unless you count that fact that Julia, one of our staff writers commented that she liked our current name. No matter, the name sticks and we’ve got our own [Read More]

We Need a Name – Contest!

We Need a Name – Contest!

Is a website by any other name as sweet? Sure it is! Historic Ohio needs to end our identity crises and declare an official name. So to do that we’re turning to you! Do you like our name or can you think of a better one? If you can think of a better one there [Read More]

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Latest Topics

The Arnold Homestead – Carriage Hill Metro Park

The Arnold Homestead – Carriage Hill Metro Park

One of the joys of setting out to experience Ohio’s rich history is when you accidentally stumble on the [Read More]

How Streets Got Named – Refugee Road

How Streets Got Named – Refugee Road

One of the things we often take for granted is the history that is right in front of us. Believe it or not a drive down [Read More]

Back From the Dead!

Back From the Dead!

Alright, it’s been a long time. A really really really long time. Over four years to be exact. We got busy and we [Read More]

Why Build a Covered Bridge

Why Build a Covered Bridge

I was out in Fairfield County this weekend working on photographing a list of historic locations when the question came [Read More]

Rock Mill – Bloom Township, Ohio

Rock Mill – Bloom Township, Ohio

There is simply no end to the amazing locations in Ohio listed on the National Historic Register. One of the most [Read More]

