Stories Behind The Buckeye State
Monday February 17th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Canada’

How Streets Got Named – Refugee Road

How Streets Got Named – Refugee Road

One of the things we often take for granted is the history that is right in front of us. Believe it or not a drive down the road and can be a history lesson. Just take a look at the street signs for clues to the area's history. [Read More]

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The Arnold Homestead – Carriage Hill Metro Park

The Arnold Homestead – Carriage Hill Metro Park

One of the joys of setting out to experience Ohio’s rich history is when you accidentally stumble on the [Read More]

How Streets Got Named – Refugee Road

How Streets Got Named – Refugee Road

One of the things we often take for granted is the history that is right in front of us. Believe it or not a drive down [Read More]

Back From the Dead!

Back From the Dead!

Alright, it’s been a long time. A really really really long time. Over four years to be exact. We got busy and we [Read More]

Why Build a Covered Bridge

Why Build a Covered Bridge

I was out in Fairfield County this weekend working on photographing a list of historic locations when the question came [Read More]

Rock Mill – Bloom Township, Ohio

Rock Mill – Bloom Township, Ohio

There is simply no end to the amazing locations in Ohio listed on the National Historic Register. One of the most [Read More]

