Stories Behind The Buckeye State
Monday February 17th 2025

Our Staff

Andrew Wood – Author, Photographer & Webmaster
Recently infatuated by amazing architecture of the past and the stories of how cities have been shaped, Andrew decided to turn his creativity into a site where like minded people could share and learn about these topics.

Carrie. – Editor
Carrie. is a lover of photography and an accomplished graphic designer. In her free time she enjoys a job with the word police; fixing all of our terrible grammer grammar and spelling at Historic Ohio.

Lauren DeVoe – Researcher
A professional Liberian and free lance author, Lauren brings her extensive skill sets in researching, writing, and her off beat sense of humor to the Historic Ohio family.

Latest Topics

The Arnold Homestead – Carriage Hill Metro Park

The Arnold Homestead – Carriage Hill Metro Park

One of the joys of setting out to experience Ohio’s rich history is when you accidentally stumble on the [Read More]

How Streets Got Named – Refugee Road

How Streets Got Named – Refugee Road

One of the things we often take for granted is the history that is right in front of us. Believe it or not a drive down [Read More]

Back From the Dead!

Back From the Dead!

Alright, it’s been a long time. A really really really long time. Over four years to be exact. We got busy and we [Read More]

Why Build a Covered Bridge

Why Build a Covered Bridge

I was out in Fairfield County this weekend working on photographing a list of historic locations when the question came [Read More]

Rock Mill – Bloom Township, Ohio

Rock Mill – Bloom Township, Ohio

There is simply no end to the amazing locations in Ohio listed on the National Historic Register. One of the most [Read More]

